5 Reasons to Consider a Career in Healthcare

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Healthcare is one of the things that makes society what it is today. Society is not defined by any one profession, of course, but not every industry is as widely considered to be a fundamental human right as healthcare is. Keeping the healthcare industry as it exists afloat requires quite a lot of time and effort from a lot of people, and the following are some reasons why you should consider joining them.

Impact people’s lives

It can be fulfilling to make a major difference in someone’s life when working in a healthcare profession. Indeed, many healthcare professionals work their jobs because they have a passion for improving other people’s lives and it shows in their work. In general, people who work in healthcare report having job satisfaction that is slightly above average when compared to other job industries. With this in mind, combined with the fact that job satisfaction is important to the quality of the healthcare provided by healthcare professionals, it would be hard to argue that such a career would be a bad idea if such a path piques your interest.

Health education

Remaining educated in matters of health care can improve the quality of your own life. Nutrition, in particular, is a helpful topic to remain aware of. There are many glaring health deficiencies in modern society, so knowing what diet changes or nutritional supplements might be helpful through published statistics. Looking into your nutritional supplement options through companies like Maker’s Nutrition can be helpful if you don’t know where to start.


On average, people who directly work in healthcare also have a relatively good salary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, practical and technical healthcare jobs had a median salary of $66,440 in May 2018, “which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations in the economy of $38,640.” The most profitable jobs in healthcare require lots of education, but not all healthcare careers require spending as much time in school as a Doctor might. Medical secretaries, pharmacy technicians, and even medical coders can be viable career choices that the industrious student can acquire in as few as two years.

Job opportunities

The number of jobs in healthcare is increasing, as well, making it more likely that someone who is looking to start a career in healthcare to be successful. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also notes that healthcare professions are projected to see a job growth of 14 percent from 2018 to 2028. Additionally, the rising job market in healthcare also has the side benefit of increased job security. Even with the recent increase of automation in other industries, there are many healthcare jobs that cannot be replaced by robots simply because only humans can truly understand many of the problems that face healthcare professionals every day.

Alternate options within the field

If neither a practical or technical career in healthcare sounds appealing, a career in healthcare insurance is also an option to consider. While healthcare insurance is a touchy subject amongst many people, it is still worth mentioning that it can be extremely helpful when it finally comes into play. Health insurance makes American healthcare, as it exists more affordable for more people and the insurance industry as a whole as seen its own share of job growth, as well. Whether you might sell long term medical insurance for the career worker, or short term medical insurance for people between jobs, doing so will increase accessibility to available healthcare when it is needed.

In summary, healthcare has a near-ubiquitous presence in modern society and it is unlikely to go away. Jobs in the healthcare industry are extremely varied and range from relatively simple tasks to literal brain surgery. If you want to make a difference in other people’s lives every day you work, it would be hard to go wrong by choosing a healthcare career.